Customer Info

Customer Information

Thank you for choosing T-MAC, Inc. as your trash collection service. We appreciate your patronage and any referrals that you send our way. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please feel free to contact our office. An after hour answering machine is provided for your convenience. Your call will be returned on the next business day.

Customer Information

Thank you for choosing T-MAC, Inc. as your trash collection service. We appreciate your patronage and any referrals that you send our way. 

If you have any questions and/or concerns, please feel free to contact our office. An after hour answering machine is provided for your convenience. Your call will be returned on the next business day.

Billing Policies

Residential customers are billed quarterly in advance. Commercial customers are billed in arrears. All invoices and/or statements are due upon receipt. Accounts over 
thirty (30) days are subject to suspension of service and a 
late charge. Late charges will continue to be incurred until full payment is received and/or payment arrangements have been made. 

Billing Options:
Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and AMEX
T-MAC, Inc.
PO Box 682
Columbia, MO 65205
Make Online Payments and View Account Information Here:
*Handling fees apply to all credit and debit payments*

Trash Pickup Services

All trash must be placed curbside or at the end of your driveway by 6:00 AM in bags and/or trash cans. No loose trash accepted in cans, barrels, totercarts, and/or polycarts larger than 35 gallons as they become to heavy to lift safely by our employees.

Extra Trash Pickups

Anything other than household trash, such as box springs, mattresses, furniture and appliances, etc. will be regarded as extra trash and a small charge may be assessed. These items can possibly be picked up on your regularly scheduled trash day by alerting our office at least one day in advance. Any extra charges will be added to your next billing cycle.

Yard Waste

Yard waste is not accepted. We cannot pick up and dispose of grass clippings, leaves, yard and garden vegetation, shrubs and/or Christmas trees.

Customer Information

Thank you for choosing T-MAC, Inc. as your trash collection service. 
We appreciate your patronage and any referrals that you send our way. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please feel free to contact our office. 
An after hour answering machine is provided for your convenience. 
Your call will be returned on the next business day.

Billing Policies

Residential customers are billed quarterly in advance. Commercial customers are billed in arrears. All invoices and/or statements are due upon receipt. Accounts over thirty (30) days are subject to suspension of service and a 
late charge. Late charges will continue to be incurred until full payment is received and/or payment arrangements have been made. 

Billing Options:
Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and AMEX
T-MAC, Inc.
PO Box 682
Columbia, MO 65205
Make Online Payments and View Account Information Here:
*Handling fees apply to all credit and debit payments*

Trash Pickup Services

All trash must be placed curbside or at the end of your driveway by 6:00 AM in bags and/or trash cans. No loose trash accepted in cans, barrels, totercarts, and/or polycarts larger than 35 gallons as they become to heavy to lift safely by our employees.

Extra Trash Pickups

Anything other than household trash, such as box springs, mattresses, furniture, etc. will be regarded as extra trash and a small charge may be assessed. These items can possibly be picked up on your regularly scheduled trash day by alerting our office at least one day in advance. 
Any extra charges will be added to your next billing cycle.

Yard Waste

Yard waste is not accepted by the landfill. We cannot pick up and dispose of grass clippings, leaves, yard and garden vegetation, shrubs and/or Christmas trees.

Billing Policies

Residential customers are billed quarterly in advance. Commercial customers are billed in arrears. All invoices and/or statements are due upon receipt. Accounts over thirty (30) days are subject to suspension of service and a late charge. 
Late charges will continue to be incurred until full payment is received and/or payment arrangements have been made. 

Billing Options:
Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and AMEX
T-MAC, Inc.
PO Box 682
Columbia, MO 65205
Make Online Payments and View Account Information Here:
*Handling fees apply to all credit and debit payments*

Trash Pickup Services

All trash must be placed curbside or at the end of your driveway by 6:00 AM in bags and/or trash cans. No loose trash accepted in cans, barrels, totercarts, and/or polycarts larger than 35 gallons as they become to heavy to lift safely by our employees.

Extra Trash Pickups

Anything other than household trash, such as box springs, mattresses, furniture, etc. will be regarded as extra trash and a small charge may be assessed. These items can possibly be picked up on your regularly scheduled trash day by alerting our office at least one day in advance. Any extra charges will be added to your next billing cycle.

Yard Waste

Yard waste is not accepted by the landfill. We cannot pick up and dispose of grass clippings, leaves, yard and garden vegetation, shrubs and/or Christmas trees.


Tires must be either shredded or cut into fourths and can be picked up by your regular scheduled service day at an additional charge. The City of Columbia Landfill does not accept whole tires.

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials such as paint, oil, gasoline, etc. cannot be picked up. The City of Columbia Hazardous Materials drop off location is at 1313 Lakeview Drive. They accept hazardous materials during the months of April through November on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month from 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM.

Weather Conditions

When unsafe road conditions occur due to bad weather,   
 please check our website ( or 
voicemail (573-814-2844) or tune into KOMU Channel 8
for correct information regarding any cancellation of trash service. We may not service areas that have dangerous hills and/or dead end streets on that day. We truly appreciate your cooperation and understanding during dangerous driving conditions.


Tires must be either shredded or cut into fourths and can be picked up by your regular scheduled service day at an additional charge. The City of Columbia Landfill does not accept whole tires.

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials such as paint, oil, gasoline, etc. cannot be picked up. The City of Columbia Hazardous Materials drop off location is at 
 1313 Lakeview Drive. They accept hazardous materials during the months of April through November on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month from 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM.

Weather Conditions

When unsafe road conditions occur due to bad weather, please tune into KFRU Radio Station {1400 AM} and/or KOMU TV {Channel 8} for correct information regarding any cancellation of trash service. We will not service areas that have dangerous hills and/or dead end streets on that day. We truly appreciate your cooperation and understanding during dangerous driving conditions.


T-MAC, Inc. will observe the following seven holidays:
New Year's Day
MLK Jr. Birthday
Memorial Day
4th of July
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Your trash service will be one day late if one of the observed holidays falls on or before your regularly scheduled service day. 
Your normal service schedule will resume the following week.


Tires must be either shredded or cut into fourths and can be picked up by your regular scheduled service day at an additional charge. The City of Columbia Landfill does not accept whole tires.

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials such as paint, oil, gasoline, etc. cannot be picked up. The City of Columbia Hazardous Materials drop off location is at 1313 Lakeview Drive. They accept hazardous materials during the months of April through November on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month from 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM.

Weather Conditions

When unsafe road conditions occur due to bad weather, please tune into KFRU Radio Station
{1400 AM} and/or KOMU TV {Channel 8} for correct information regarding any cancellation of trash service. We will not service areas that have dangerous hills and/or dead end streets on that day. We truly appreciate your cooperation and understanding during dangerous driving conditions.


T-MAC, Inc. will observe the following nine holidays:
New Year's Day
MLK Jr. Birthday
Memorial Day
4th of July
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Your trash service will be one day late if one of the observed holidays falls on or before your regularly scheduled service day within the Monday through Friday work week.  Your normal service schedule will resume the following week.  If unsure, 
please check our website (

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